Adding an EV Charger to Your Home

The demand for electric vehicles is growing alongside residential solar installations.  Many times, our solar customers are also interested in EV chargers. Are you interested in the convenience of charging your EV at home? We’ve compiled commonly asked questions about the installation process below!

How much extra solar do I need to charge my EV?

This is a great question and depends on how much you drive each day.  On average, an EV owner needs an extra 1kW of solar (roughly 2-3 more solar panels) to travel 10 miles per day.  Most Americans drive around 30 miles per day, and therefore we typically recommend increasing your solar system size by 3kW. 

Will my net-metered solar system charge my EV?

Yes. The beauty of a net-metered solar system is that it powers any electric loads in your house (including an EV charger) before pushing the extra solar electricity back onto the grid. 

How easy is it to add an EV charger to my solar project?

It’s super easy, especially if your main electrical panel is in your garage.  Furthermore, along with the updated solar tax credits, check out the Inflation Reduction Act for additional EV charger incentives.  

What are the advantages of adding an EV charger to my solar project?

 By adding an EV charger you can benefit from the convenience of charging at home, saving you time and money. But the best part is you can ensure that your car is powered by a renewable energy source. By combining a solar installation with the purchase of an EV charger, you are reducing your energy consumption for both your home and vehicle. 



Our team has 18+ years of experience helping homeowners make the switch to clean energy. We want to educate our customers, making them feel confident in their decision to go solar. If you’re interested in learning more about our team, our mission, and the “why” of solar, click here to get started!